
среда, 16. март 2011.

Jebacina, seks, besplatni pronici i porno filmovi

Montana Scott flopped dolje na svoju veličinu krevet kraljica i samo ležala tamo za nekoliko trenutaka, previše umoran da čak i baciti natrag pokriva! What a day, run, run, run, and not a second to relax!!! Što dan, trčanje, trčanje, trčanje, a ne drugi da se opustite! As her eyes slowly closed and blessed sleep began to over take her, the jangle of the phone on the night stand jarred her back to reality!!! Kao što joj oči zatvorene polako i blagoslovljen san počeo nad njom se, buka od telefona na noć staklenki ju Jebacina, seks, besplatni pronici i porno filmovi   je vratio u stvarnost! Fumbling for the receiver, she answered, "Hello, may I help you?!?" Mumljajući za prijemnik, ona odgovori: "Halo, mogu li vam pomoći?!?" "Montana," a deep voice on the other end of the line responded firmly, "this is Sir James, are you ready to obey!?!" "Montana", dubokim glasom na drugom kraju linije je odgovorio čvrsto, "ovo je Sir James, jeste li spremni poslušati!?!" Instantly a shiver ran through her body, seemly whisking the tiredness right out of her, and causing her pussy to drench itself in a bath of warm cunt juice!!! Odmah drhtaj prošao kroz njezino tijelo, doličan whisking umor pravo iz nje, i zbog čega joj maca da se namakati u kadi s toplom pička soka! "I won't ask you again," he snapped, "are you ready to obey!?!" "Neću vas pitati opet", rekao je odbrusio, "jeste li spremni poslušati!?!" "Oh, yes," she gushed, "anything, I'm am ready to serve you!!!" "Oh, da," ona gushed ", ništa, ja sam sam spreman da služi vama!" "Very good," he replied smoothly, "but before we go any further, I want you to lay down and bring yourself to climax, is that understood!?!" "Vrlo dobro", odgovorio je glatko ", ali prije nego što idemo dalje, želim vam položiti i dovesti sebe do vrhunca, je li to shvatio!?!" "Yes, master, I understand," she answered huskily, before letting her hand slide between her legs to find her seat of pleasure!!! "Da, gospodaru, ja razumijem", odgovorila je hrapavo, prije nego ostavljajući joj ruku slajd između nogu kako bi pronašli svoje mjesto za uživanje! After it was over, and it was over rather quickly, he gave her an address on the other side of town and told her to be there in twenty minutes, and then abruptly he hung up!!! Nakon što je više, i to je bio više nego brzo, on joj je dao adresu na drugu stranu grada i rekla joj da se tamo u dvadeset minuta, a onda naglo se objesio!

For the second time that evening Montana shivered, the first time from the sound of her master's voice, the second, from the appearance of the building matching the address Sir James had given her!!! Po drugi put te večeri Montana zadrhtala, prvi put od zvuka svog gospodara glas, drugi, od izgleda objekta odgovara adresu Sir James ju je dao! It was a private residence that looked absolutely gothic, with a front consisting of large thick stones, turrets, gargoyles, and of course covered with thick hanging vines! To je privatna rezidencija koji je izgledao apsolutno gothic, s prednje koji se sastoji od velikog kamenja debljine, turrets, gargoyles, i naravno, prekriven debelim visećim vinove loze! Montana unconsciously pulled her coat tighter together in front of her, and then with a little trepidation, climbed the stairs and rang the bell! Montana nesvjesno izdvajali joj kaput nategnuti zajedno ispred nje, a zatim s malo strah, popeo stepenicama i pozvonio na zvono! For almost a minute nothing happened and she was about to ring the bell one more time, when all at once the huge carved door creaked and slowly swung open! Već gotovo minutu ništa se nije dogodilo, a ona je o zvoni zvono još jednom, kada su svi odjednom veliki rezbarenog vrata creaked i polako ljuljati se otvoriti! It was almost as dark inside as out, as the only light that she could see came from several oil lamps hanging from the wall!!! To je gotovo kao tamno iznutra van, kao i jedino svjetlo koje je mogla vidjeti došla iz nekoliko uljne lampe visi iz zida! Gothic wasn't the word for it, this place looked positively medieval!!! Gothic nije riječ za to, ovo mjesto izgleda pozitivno srednjovjekovne! Gingerly stepping inside, she was taken aback at the sight of a dark robed person with a hood over his or her head!!! Oprezno koračni iznutra, ona je zabezeknut na očima tamne robed osoba s kapuljačom preko svoje glave! Once inside, her usher closed the door behind her, and without saying a word motioned for her to follow him/her down a long dark corridor that was made even more chilling by the flickering of flames of the oil lamps that caused the shadows to jump from one spot to another!!! Jednom unutra, njezin uvesti zatvorena vrata iza nje, i bez ijedne riječi za nju rukom da ga slijede / joj niz dugu tamnu hodnik koji je napravio čak i više za hlađenje po treperenje plamen uljanice koja je uzrokovala sjene na skok iz jednog mjesta na drugo! With her heart pounding, they entered a large room that was at least thirty feet long and just as wide! Sa svoga srca lupa, uđoše velike sobe koja je najmanje trideset metara dug i kao širok! What she saw, however, turned her tummy into and knot and stunned her into motionlessness!!! Što je vidjela, međutim, okrenuo joj trbuščić i u čvor i njezin zapanjen u motionlessness! The room itself was lined with more of the oil lamps, which of course gave off the eerie flickering light, but what really scared her, was what dominated the center of the room!!! Soba sama bila postrojilo s više od uljne lampe, što naravno dao off jeziv treperenje svjetla, ali ono što stvarno je uplašena, je ono što dominira sredini sobe! It had the makings of a tenth century torture chamber, complete with a stretching rack, pillory, and naturally an apparatus that would hold someone spread eagle in a standing position!!! On je imao profit od desetog stoljeća mučenje, zajedno s istezanje stalak, stup srama, i naravno aparata koji će držati orla netko širiti u stojećem položaju! She was so transfixed by the equipment that she at first failed to notice that there were three other figures dressed in hooded robes sitting in a semi circle in front of the "toys"!!! Bila je toliko transfixed je opreme koja je na prvi nije uspio primijetiti da su tri figure odjevene u haljine s kapuljačom sjedi u polu krug ispred "igračke"!

She was startled from her trance as a hand took her by the arm and led her to a place in front of the rest of the group! Bila je bio zaprepašten od nje transa kao rukom ju uze za ruku i dovela na mjesto ispred ostatka grupe! A male voice coming from under the hood of her usher ordered, "You have agreed to obey and will do the bidding of your master?!?" Muški glas koji dolaze iz pod hauba od njezina Usher naredio: "Ti su se složili da slušaju i da će učiniti ponude od svoga gospodara?!?" "Y-yes," she replied in a shaky voice, "I will obey you!!!" "Y-Da", odgovori ona u drhtavim glasom: "Ja ću vas poslušati!" She had never seen her master face to face, but after having heard his voice many times over the phone, she was positive that the person speaking to her was not him, but she couldn't be sure that he wasn't one of the three other's sitting before her!!! Ona nikada nije vidio njezinu gospodaru licem u lice, ali nakon što je čuo njegov glas mnogo puta preko telefona, ona je pozitivno da osoba govori da joj nije bilo njega, ali ona nije mogla biti sigurni da on nije bio jedan od tri druga sjedi pred njom! The voice from under the hood then continued, "Please remove your clothing, right now!!!" Glas ispod haube zatim je nastavio: "Molim te skinuli odjeću, odmah!" Montana slipped her leather coat from her shoulders and then slowly began removing the rest of her things until she was shivering in the middle of the dark dank room!!! Montana skliznuo joj kožni kaput od ramena, a zatim polako počeo uklanjanjem ostatka njezine stvari dok je ona bila drhtanje u sredini tamne mokar sobu! Again taking her by the arm, the usher led her to the wrack and had her climb up on it's table top and extend her arms over her head where metal bracelets were then attached to each wrist and ankle!!! Opet je uhvati za ruku, razvodnik ju je dovelo do olupina i ju popeti na to je vrh tablice i produžiti joj ruke iznad glave gdje je metalna narukvica onda su priključeni na svaki zglob i gležanj! After she was safely secured, the man in the hood asked, "Are you sure you want to continue, as this will be the last time you will be asked, from then on, you will do as you are told without question!!!" Nakon što je sigurno je bio osiguran, čovjek u poklopac pitao: "Jeste li sigurni da želite nastaviti, jer to će biti posljednji put kada će biti pitan, od tada, od vas će raditi kao što ste rekli, bez pitanja! " With her nipples now sticking up hard in the cool air and she replied softly, "I will follow your orders completely!!!" Sa svojim bradavice sada zabada se teško u svjež zrak i ona je odgovorila: tiho, "Ja ću pratiti vaše narudžbe u potpunosti!" "Very good," he replied sternly, "then let us begin!!!" "Vrlo dobro", odgovorio je ozbiljno ", onda neka nas početi!"

Looking around with more than a little fear, she watched with dread as the hooded usher slowly began moving the arm ratchet back and forth, which slowly but surely began retracting the chains attached to her limbs!!! Gledajući okolo s više od malo straha, ona je gledala sa strahom kao kapuljačom razvodnik polako počeo se kreće ruku ratchet natrag i naprijed, koji polako, ali sigurno počeo uvlačenje lanci u prilogu joj udove! Each movement of the arm incrementally moved the chains only a fraction of an inch, but in only a matter of minutes Montana's arms and legs were pulled tight almost to the point of pain!!! Svaki pokret ruke postupno preselio lanci samo djelić inča, no u samo nekoliko minuta Montana ruke i noge su izdvajali uske gotovo do točke boli! Moments later, she was surrounded by the three other hooded figures who at first only watched as the pretty young brunette was stretched to her limit!!! Nekoliko trenutaka kasnije, ona je bila okružena trima drugim kapuljačom figure koji su u početku samo gledali kao prilično mlada crnka je pruži joj granice! "Does it hurt," he asked softly?!? "Da li ga povrijediti", tiho je pitao?!? "Yes," she replied truthfully, but there must not have been enough pain in her voice, as immediately he moved the lever another notch, which ever so slightly pulled harder on her arms and legs!!! "Da", odgovori ona istinito, ali ne smije imati bilo dovoljno bol u njezinu glasu, jer je odmah preselio poluga drugi usjek koji je ikada tako malo izvukao teže na rukama i nogama! The low moan that escaped her lips must have pleased him, because for the time being, he didn't make another move to stretch her further!!! Niska jaukati koja pobjegao joj usne moraju imati ga drago, jer za sada, nije napraviti još jedan potez kako bi se protežu njezin daljnji! Instead, however, one of the other hooded figures held a burning candle over her nipples that dripped Umjesto toga, međutim, jedan od ostalih kapuljačom figure održana gori svijeća na nju nipples da dripped
hot wax onto her vulnerable skin!!! vrući vosak na njoj ranjiv kožu! "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, that burns," Montana moaned, "please, no more!!!" "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, koja gori", Montana moaned, "molim vas, nema više!" Quick as a cat, the hooded usher reached out and clicked the ratchet ahead a notch, causing her to moan even louder as the pain in her shoulders and hips intensified!!! Brzo kao mačka, s kapuljačom razvodnik posegnuo i kliknuli ratchet naprijed usjek, zbog čega joj se još glasnije stenjati kao bol u ramenima i kukovima pojačane! "Don't ever tell us to stop," he admonished her, "retribution will be quick and sure, do you understand me!?!" "Nemoj nikada reći nam da se zaustavi", rekao joj opomenu, "odmazda će biti brz i siguran, Jesi li me razumio!?!" "Y-yes," she stammered, as her eyes began to blur from the pain, "I understand!!!" "Y-Da," rekla mucao, kao što joj oči počeo zamagliti od boli, "Razumijem!" "Very good," he continued, "now, be a good girl and ask for some more wax!!!" "Vrlo dobro", nastavio je, "sada, biti dobra djevojka i pitati za neke više voska!" "Oh, please," she groaned!!! "Oh, molim vas," rekla stenjali! "Please what," he demanded!!! "Molim vas što", kazao je zahtijevao! "P-please give me some more wax," she said in a wavering voice!!!" "Very good, my dear," he replied softly, while more burning wax dripped slowly onto her erect nipples, "you have a lovely body, but I fear that it is a touch too short," and with that, that ratchet moved another notch and her moan was now loud enough to fill the room!!! "P-molim vas dajte mi neke više voska," rekla je u kolebljivog glas! "" Vrlo dobro, moj dragi ", odgovorio je tiho, a sve više gori polako curila vosak na njoj podigli nipples," imate lijep tijelo , ali se bojim da je to dodir prekratak "i da, da Ratchet preselio drugi usjek i njezin jaukati je sada dovoljno glasno da ispune sobu!

"Does is hurt, dear," the usher asked softly, while massaging her full chest?!? "Da li je ozlijeđen, draga", rekao je Usher zatražio tiho, dok je masirati joj prsa puna?!? "Oh, god," she moaned, "it hurts so badly, p-please, no more!!!" "Oh, Bože", rekla moaned, "to boli tako loše, p-molim vas, nema više!" "Well, dear," he said still more softly, "we have something else planned for you, that I'm sure will be a great deal more palatable!" "Pa, draga", rekao je još tiho, "mi smo nešto drugo planirane za vas, da siguran sam da će biti mnogo više ukusan!" "W-what are you going to do to me,"she asked nervously, as her body was being pulled tight like a bow string!?! "W-što ćete učiniti za mene", upitala je nervozno, jer joj je tijelo se izdvajali uske kao što su luk string?!! Her answer came soon enough, when she felt warm oil being gently rubbed into her full bushy vagina!!! Njen odgovor je došao brzo dovoljno, kad je osjetio toplo ulje se nježno utrljava u njoj puna grmovit vaginu! "Oh, myyyyyyy," she moaned, "that feels so goooooood, please don't stop!!!" "Oh, myyyyyyy", rekla moaned ", da se tako osjeća goooooood, nemojte prestati!" "You have a very hirsute vagina," the usher replied, while still caressing her chest and softly twisting her nipples, "it's so hairy we can't see your pretty labia, so of course, we have to shave it for you!!!" "Vi imate vrlo dlakav vagine", odgovorio je Usher, dok je još miluje joj prsa i nježno uvijanje joj bradavice ", to je tako dlakav ne možemo vidjeti svoj prilično usne, pa naravno, moramo ga obrije za vas! ! " Upon hearing that, Montana automatically stiffened, while thinking about a sharp razor gliding over her bulging pubis!!! Nakon što je čuo da je, Montana automatski Kočilo, dok razmišljam o oštrom britvom zmajem nad njom ispupčen pubis! "Now, now, dear," the usher said soothingly, "you're so tense, maybe this will help you relax a little," and with a swift jerk, he ratcheted the handle on more notch!!! "Sada, sada, dragi", rekao je Usher soothingly, "Ti si tako napeto, možda će to pomoći da se opustite malo", a uz brzu kreten, on ratcheted nositi na više zareza!

While more oil was being applied to Montana's pussy, it was inevitable that her clit would be brushed over and indirectly massaged by the swirling digits!!! Dok je više nafte se primjenjuje i na Montana's maca, to je neizbježno da joj je klitoris će biti brushed više i neizravno masira po vrtlog znamenke! The pain, especially in her shoulders was growing more intense by the second, but much to her consternation, the fury building gradually in her pussy was making it hard to distinguish between agony and ecstasy!!! Bol, osobito u ramena je sve intenzivniji u drugoj, ali mnogo joj zaprepaštenje, bijes zgradi postupno joj maca bila čineći ga teško razlikovati između agonije i ekstaze! The usher produced a long bladed straight razor that he carefully made sure Montana got a good look at before moving down to her pussy and gently cutting away her thick bush!!! Vratar proizvedene dugo sječiva ravno britva da je on pažljivo je napravio siguran Montana je dobio dobar pogled na prije premještanja dolje na nju maca i nježno rezanje daleko joj debeli grm! The cool air on bare skin was a new sensation for her, which made goose bumps break out all over her body, as well as causing her nipples shrivel up like it was the middle of winter!!! Svjež zrak na goloj koži je bio novi osjećaj za nju, što je guska bumps izbijati po cijelom tijelu, kao i zbog čega joj bradavice smežurati gore kao da je usred zime! When she was finally smooth as a baby, oil was again applied generously to the bulging mound, but this time fingers eagerly probed her opening, searching out her love button, and masturbating it shamelessly, which of course made her pussy convulse in an orgasm that seemed to last forever!!! Kad je napokon bila glatka picka kao beba, ulje opet primijenjena je velikodušno ispupčen brežuljak, ali ovaj put prste željno probed joj otvaranje, traži se njezina ljubav gumb, i to besramno masturbira, što, naravno, napravio joj maca trzati u orgazam koji činilo se da traje zauvijek!

Cradling her head in his arms, the usher asked softly, "Did our little cunt enjoy her orgasm?!?" Cradling glavom u rukama, razvodnik upitao tiho, "Je li naš mali pička uživati ​​njezin orgazam?!?" Barely able to speak, all Montana could do was whisper, "Yes, it was wonderful, thank you so much!!!" Jedva u stanju da govore, sve Montana mogu učiniti je šapat: "Da, to je divno, hvala vam toliko!" The usher continued to caressing her cheek and breasts while adding, "Of course, you will cum again and again for us, but the next time, you will be violated viscously by this," as he leaned over and shoved a thick black dildo deep into her defenseless vagina!!! Usher i dalje miluje joj lice i grudi, dok dodajući: "Naravno, bit ćete sperma opet i opet za nas, ali sljedeći put, od vas će biti povrijeđena viscously ovim", kako je nagnuo i odgurnuo gustim crnim dildom duboko u njezin bespomoćan vaginu! Her eyes nearly popped out of their sockets while the usher rammed the thick rubber invader in and out of her pussy at lightning speed!!! Njezine oči skoro popped iz njihova podnožja, a razvodnik zabili debele gume osvajač i iz nje maca brzinom svjetlosti! She tried to move her body to time his thrusts with those of her own, but she was being held so tightly by the rack, that all she could do was lie there and take it, as orgasm after orgasm slammed into her cunt like a sledge hammer!!! Pokušala je pomaknuti svoje tijelo na vrijeme svoje thrusts s onima u vlastitim, ali ona je tako čvrsto se održava od para, da sve što je mogao učiniti bilo ležati tamo i uzmi ga, kao orgazam nakon orgazma udario u njoj pizda kao sanjke čekić! Muz i zena snimak seksa

She finally passed out, from both a mixture of pain and orgasmic exhaustion, but the next thing she realized, she was awake and dressed, and standing next to the front door with the usher, who pointed her in the direction of a cab which was waiting at the bottom of the stairs in the street in front of the old house!!! Ona je konačno onesvijestila, iz obje mješavine boli i iscrpljenosti orgazma, ali sljedeća stvar je shvatila, ona je bila budna i obučen, a kako stoji pored ulaznih vrata s Usher, koji joj je ukazao u smjeru kabine koja je čeka na dnu stepenica u ulici ispred stare kuće! Gingerly she took and awkward step out the door, but had to grab the hand railing to keep from falling on her face! Oprezno uze i nespretan korak kroz vrata, ali su morali zgrabiti za ruku ogradu može očuvati od pada na njenom licu! As she began her slow descent down the steps, a voice from inside the door opined, "Have a safe trip home, Montana Scott, we hope to see you again sometime, goodnight!!!" Kao što je ona započela svoju usporiti spuštanje niz stepenice, glas iznutra vrata iznio je mišljenje: "Jesi siguran put kući, Montana Scott, nadamo se da vas opet vidim neko vrijeme, laku noć!" The big door then swung slowly shut and Montana struggled to reach the cab for her ride home!!! Velika vrata potom zamahnuo polako zatvori i Montana borili do kabinu za nju vožnja kući! Finally back in her apartment, she was just about ready to slip under the shower when the phone rang, "Hello," she answered softly! Konačno natrag u svoj stan, ona je bila upravo spremao skliznuti pod tušem zazvonio telefon, "Hello," odgovorila je tiho! "Did you have a nice evening," the master's voice asked quietly?!? "Jesi li se lijepo večer", majstor je glas tiho pitao?!? "It was, shall we say, interesting," she replied!!! "Bilo je, neka mi kažu, zanimljivo," odgovori ona! A chuckle came through he phone line and he replied, "Sleep well my child, you never know when the next call will come!!! Cerekanje je došao preko je telefonska  liniju a on je odgovorio, "Sleep dobro moje dijete, nikad ne znaš kad će doći sljedeći poziv!

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